AFC Lab News
Schriftliche Anfrage der Abgeordneten June Tomiak (Grüne) vom 4.7.2024 und Antwort vom 16.7.2025
Polizei setzt bei Verbrecherjagd auf Superbrains
A group of Berlin Super-Recognizers identified with beSure® and the AFC Lab procedures will be deployed at the European Football Championship
An interview published in the Dutch outlet de Volksrant. Stan van Pelt asked Meike about Doppelgängers and face recognition.
Manche Menschen können Gesichter vielfach besser erkennen und zuordnen als der Durchschnitt. In einem exklusiven Versuch haben die NZZ und ein Forschungs-Team der Uni Lausanne Super-Recognizern Bilder von Putin vorgelegt – mit erstaunlichem Resultat.
Beitrag des SRF über das Projekt mit der Polizei in St. Gallen
A high school friendly version of our PNAS article now published in Science Journal for Kids
Facial Recognition and Responsible Use of Technology
Eingeladen von den Initiatoren des BWKI konnte Meike mit den anderen Jury-Mitgliedern die Gewinner 2023 ermitteln.
Meike hat Mitarbeiter:innen der Kantonspolizei St.Gallen und Stadtpolizei St. Gallen auf ihre Fähigkeiten getestet um gemeinsam mögliche Einsatzszenarien von Super-Recognizern zu evaluieren.
Whisperers of Contrast - Challenges & Opportunities for Data Protection in Law Enforcement
NDR Info - Wissen interviewed Meike on the lab's work - and the hype around Super-Recognizers
Meike was invited to give a Coffee Talk to all Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) employees.
Zara Sarson & Hannes Caspar luden Meike zu einem Gespräch zum Thema "Gesichter" ein. Hierbei sprachen sie über Kunst, KI, Kinder, ... und vieles mehr.
Eiken Bruhn from taz dove deep into the state of Super-Recognizers in German law enforcement.
Auf dem Europäischen Polizeikongress lud Dr. Eva Proll Meike zum Sofa Talk Interview ein.
Meike talked to practitioners about her recently published and ongoing work on Super-Recognizers and Forensic Perpetrator Identification.
Während sich manche Menschen Gesichter schwer merken können, erkennen andere besonders gut Personen wieder. Können diese Super-Recognizer helfen, Straftäter zu überführen?
In diesem Bericht geht es um die Super-Recognizer, die das AFC Lab mittels Labor-Tests in Rheinland-Pfalz identifiziert hat.
Professor Meike Ramon and Dr. Maren Mayer, respectively researchers at the University of Lausanne and the Leibniz Institute for Media Research, publish the results of the first-ever empirical study investigating how Super-Recognizers identified with a recently proposed formal diagnostic framework perform in forensic perpetrator identification in the prestigious journal PNAS.
Could You Be A Super-Recognizer And Help Fight Crime? Super-Recognizers have a superpower that may be be valuable for police and criminal investigations.
Ein Beitrag des Österreichischen Rundfunks (ORF) über Super-Recognizer.
"Sie können sich Gesichter außergewöhnlich gut merken: Super Recognizer. Das ist nützlich, wenn es um die Aufklärung von Straftaten geht. Darum setzt die Polizei zunehmend auf Ermittlerinnen und Ermittler mit dem ganz genauen Blick."
Meike sprach mit SRF Input-Redaktorin Reena Thelly, die wissen wollte, ob sie gesichtsblind ist. Das Ergebnis: ein spannender Podcast über Gesichtsblindheit, Super-Recognizer, Technik und wie sich unserer Fähigkeit, andere zu erkennen nach der Geburt entwickelt.
Lorenz Wyss und Meike Ramon sprachen mit Dominik Steiner vom Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen.
zum Thema: „Super Recognizer“ bei der Berliner Polizei – ein Gamechanger?
With ~50,000 employees, the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) State Police is the largest of Germany's 16 state police forces.
Berlin's public prosecutor's office is pleased with "promising" cooperation with Berlin Super-Recognizers.
The AFC Lab's work was featured in the newspaper "Le Temps".
Meike spoke with Simon Dörr from DASDING - SWR's radio program for young people between the ages of 14 and 29. Simon wanted to know more about research on Super-Recognizers, who are also supporting the Berlin Police's investigations of the New Year's Eve riots.
Première en Suisse: la police de Winterthour se dote d’un superphysionomiste, un agent doué pour la reconnaissance faciale. La police vaudoise s’y intéresse.
"Super Recognizers" are to track down the perpetrators
Neue Zürcher Zeitung (NZZ) reports about one of our Super-Recognizers who just started their job at the Winterthur Police.
Alessandro Mascellino from Biometricupdate.com featured the AFC Lab's work
Tagesanzeiger and Der Bund report on a recent portrait of Meike published by the SNS
"Police officers who remember every face - Police corps are now increasingly working with so-called super-recognizers - two of them describe what goes on in their heads"
The Tagesspiegel had exclusive access to the beSure® pilot; various outlets continue to report updates on our work.
Schriftliche Anfrage des Abgeordneten Frank Balzer (CDU) vom 12.07.2022 und Antwort vom 25.07.2022
Q&A on #Prosopagnosia (Achtung: in German)
To bring together police practitioners and scientists interested in face identity processing, I am organizing a symposium at the European Police Congress (May 11-12, 2022). For more detailed symposium information expand this post.
Alena Wacker from Badisches Tagblatt interviewed Meike on the topics of Super-Recognizers.
Invited by the Faculty of Law, Criminal Sciences & Public Administration, Meike spoke to students, practitioners, researchers, and the public.
Im Interview von Dago Weychardt erzählten Simon Rjosk und ich wie die Berliner Polizei Super-Recognizer identifiziert.
Meike was interviewed by Marlene Cimons from the Washington Post, in a nice piece about Super-Recognizers (SRs).
Meike spoke to Elena Weidt about Super-Recognizers. Achtung: this one is in German. Link to audio below.
Super Recognizer: Hype oder Hoffnung? Erkenntnisse aus Kooperationen mir der Polizei
In a special episode on “Face Blindness & Super Recognition" Jonathan McCrea interviews Professors Fiona Newell and Meike Ramon on human processing of facial identity.
Ever seen a Super-Recognizer? Two of the AFC Lab's participants were featured in the Swiss media.
The ADR Hauptstadtstudio had exclusive access to the Best Practice Handbook of the EU project Safer Space for Safer Cities (SafeCi).
Meike Ramon and Simon Rjosk contributed a chapter to the Best Practice Handbook developed in the context of the EU-funded project "Safer Space for Safer Cities" (SafeCi).
A collection of 10 most frequently asked question on the topic. Whether you're a journalist, government official, or civilians — if you are interested in Super-Recognizers, this is a good place to start.
Meike and Simon Rjosk (Berlin State Police) were interviewed for FOCUS's special edition #4
I have the privilege of working with various international police agencies interested in human face processing.
Meike was a keynote speaker at the second EU Consortium seminar of ProTEct (Public Resilience using TEchnology to Counter Terrorism).