Applied Face Cognition Lab Logo
Applied Face Cognition Lab Logo

What we do

About the Lab

Our lab is interested in human visual cognition; particularly face processing. Our goal is to better understand the relationship between brain function and behavior. To this end, we use multiple neuroscientific methods to study inter-individual differences at various levels of face processing - from detection to identification. We seek to bridge the gap between empirical research and its application outside the lab in order to address outstanding questions and solve real-world problems.

The lab is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and led by Meike Ramon, who was awarded a PRIMA (Promoting Women in Academia) grant to investigate the Mechanisms of Superior Face Recognition. This interdisciplinary project involves a collaborative network between researchers and practitioners from international police agencies to study Super-Recognizers - individuals with exceptional face processing capacities.

Funding Body

Swiss National Science Foundation Logo

Current Host Institute

University of Lausanne Logo

Scientific Advisor To

Berlin Polizei Logo

AFC Lab Talk Series

Make Mondays* a little more interesting

Together with the Cognitive and Affective Regulation Laboratory (CARLA) we host a virtual talk series together — now, typically on Mondays.

Our aim is to support early-career researchers and underrepresented groups by providing a platform for their work and increase opportunities for networking.

If you'd like to give a talk, drop us a message and we'll get it organised.


Monday, 23 Sept 2024
10:30 CET
Comparing supervised learning dynamics: Deep neural networks match human data efficiency but show a generalisation lag
Picture of the speaker
University of Bern


The Applied Face Cognition Lab has a number of ongoing projects with a variety of international researchers and organisations.

Berlin Polizei
Rheinland-Pfalz Polizei
Police Cantonale Fribourg
Stadtpolizei Winterthur
Universität Giessen
University of Aberdeen
York University
MIT Media Lab
University of Glasgow
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Forensisches Institut Zürich
Universität Zürich
Berlin School of Economics and Law
Landesamt für Ausbildung, Fortbildung und Personalangelegenheiten NRW
Kantonspolizei St Gallen
Polizei NRW